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The Gardens at Magnolia


Our mission is to develop a biodiverse campus allowing the students to interact with nature in a positive way that promotes mental health, physical well-being, environmental stewardship, and sustainability in an engaging learning environment.

Why a Garden?

Restorative Environments - "an environment-often a natural setting-that rejuvenates a person and can help restore depleted attention resources or reduce emotional and psycho-physiological stress." (1)


"Monarch populations in the United States have plummeted more than 80% in the past two decades" (2)


Interdisciplinary Learning Opportunities - Blending skills and content for example Science to English. (3)


In a "study [where subjects were blindfolded, results] show[ed] that people experience an unconscious calming reaction to touching a plant" (4).


Access to Daylight, increases test scores between 5-14% (5).


"Involving the students in observations and maintenance of the gardens, the ecosystems and the buildings' sustainability systems and incorporating these observations within their studies allows for a more immersive experience and for better educational outcomes (Franco et al., 2017)."  (6)


"Biodiversity - The number and variety of species found within a specified geographic region." (7)


"Green schools provide a clear opportunity to connect students with curricula in environmental and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, and they can serve as tools for interactive lessons across all subjects." (8)


The EPA defines environmental education as “a process that allows individuals to explore environmental issues, engage in problem solving, and take action to improve the environment. As a result, individuals develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues and the skills to make informed and responsible decisions.” (9)


"More trees and vegetation was associated with higher scores on standardized tests" (10).




Author: Christina McManaway

Magnolia Elementary PTA Historian, Garden Chairperson, LFA Living Future Accredited Professional (a green building standard)


Current Projects

Narnia (The Vegetable Garden)

Monarch Butterfly Gardens 

Butterfly Nursery Enclosure

Outdoor Classroom

Earth Day Insect Release

Planter and Bench Repairs


To Start

Narnia is currently being cleaned

      in preparation.

In November we will be planting 3

      varieties of Milk Weed for our

      butterfly gardens and vegatable

      seeds for the vegetable garden.


We Are Facing

Some planters lack working


Narnia's wood planter boxes need

      replaced - Meanwhile we will

      still use them

Links for




(3) Kellert 2005 Building for Life: Designing and Understanding the Human-Nature Connection

 Department of Education Green

       Ribbon Schools:

Green Ribbon Framework:

(4) Koga, K., Iwasaki, Y. Psychological and physiological effect in humans of touching plant foliage - using the semantic differential method and cerebral activity as indicators. J Physiol Anthropol 32, 7 (2013).

(5) Heschong, Lisa. Heschong Mahone Group. “Windows and Classrooms: A Study of Student Performance and the Indoor Environment.” California Energy Commission: Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Fair Oaks, California. 2003b.











Future Projects

Improve Irrigation and Water


Hummingbird Garden

Butterfly Houses

Bluebird Village

Native Flower Garden


*Or When Funds Become Available


Will We Fund It

Personal and Business Cash

      Donations via Our Website

      From Parents

Grant Writing

Donation Request Campaign -

       Letter Writing and In Person



For Students

Planting Seeds

Garden Maintenance

Harvesting Vegetable and Seed

Conservation Lessons

Nature Journaling

Outdoor Physical Education Documenting Milkweed Plants

Monitoring Caterpillar Life Cycle

Nutrition Lessons

Monitoring Bluebird Boxes

      in Spring

Integrated STEM & STEAM


Document Plant Growth Observe

      the Patina of Time

Butterfly & Ladybug Releases



RCRCD (located on Palm Ave)

       Teaching Materials, Native

       Milkweed Planting, Bluebird

       Monitoring Program (and

       much more).

iNaturalist - Western Monarch

       Milkweed Mapper

The Gardens at Magnolia Budget

Budget is Subject to Change as Funding Changes

Christina McManaway
Chairperson - Biophilic/Wellness Designer


Kerry Mauck

Etomologist at UCR


Judy Wade



Sarrah Lavergne

Riverside Food Council


Scott Berndt

Fox Farms




The Garden Commission

"Furthermore, enabling children to play in schoolyards that provide access to nature has been shown to provide means of mental restoration, better behavior, and enhanced focus."

Terrapin Bright Green "The Economics of Biophilia"

Department of Education
Green Ribbon Schools

Learn more about the Green Ribbon School Award Program and what is needed for our 2022 application:


Department of Education

California Department of Education

Pillar Framework

Thank You to Our Generous Donors

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Magnolia Elementary PTA

© 2021 by Magnolia Elementary PTA

Contact Us

3975 Maplewood Pl

Riverside, CA 92506


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